Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

Webquest: The Life and Times of Soekarno

 Hasil gambar untuk ir soekarno
A WebQuest for Intermediate, Students of English
as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL)  

I.r Soekarno was the leader of our country Indonesia struggle for Independence from the Netherlands. He was a prominent leader of Indonesia's nationalist movement during the Dutch colonial period, and spent over a decade under Dutch detention until released by the invading Japanese forces. By researching his  life and the society in which he lived students will gain an appreciation of the environment in which Soekarno were did and therefore a better understanding of the history itself.

Today you will be researching online the life and times of one of the most well-known hero of all time – I.R Soekarno.
Working in pairs, you will follow the instructions on the process page answering the questions by following the links provided to the appropriate websites and pages. You will have the entire lesson for this task which is to be completed for home work if necessary.
As you research this topic I want you to keep in mind the differences between the society of Soekarno’s time and the society of today, considering how these differences affect your reaction to the play. We will discuss these ideas in our next lesson.

 Let's get started!
Soekarno's Life Click here to answer these questions.
1      How much do we know about Soekarno life? Why?
2.      Where was Soekarno born?
3.      What date was he born on?
4.      Did Soekarno ever get married? If so, to whom?
5.      Soekarno established himself as an ____________ and _________________
6.      What day did he die?
Rengasdengklok incident click here to answer these questions.
Hasil gambar untuk rengasdengklok
7.      What is rengasdengklok incident?
8.      When did Japan declare unconditional surrender to the allies?
9.      Japan surrender unconditionally to allies, the news is received through?
10.   Mention the Purpose of the youth to secure Soekarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok?
11.  What is the conclusion of a private conversation with Soekarno, Sodanco Singgih?
Formulation of Proclamation of Independence Text click here to answer these questions.
Hasil gambar untuk rumusan teks proklamasi

12.  Mention figures who directly involved in the formulation of the historical text!
13.  Who rewrote the text of proclamation? Why?
14.  Where the text of the proclamation was written?
Implementation of the Proclamation of Independence click here to answer these questions.
Hasil gambar untuk pelaksanaan proklamasi
15.  When the text of the proclamation was read out?
16.  What is the definition of PPKI?

The Old Order click here to answer these questions.
Hasil gambar untuk orde lama
17.  What is the threat to Pancasila during the old order?
18.  What are the deviations in the old order?
19.  What is the difference between the old order, the new order and the reform order?
20.  What are the benefits of Pancasila during the reform era?

For this task you will be assessed on the completion of the webquest. This includes answering the questions in full sentences in your own words.

Scores: 20:2=10

By studying our history as a young generation and when it is learned it will increase our understanding about the importance of historical events to imagine what the past is like. And we should grateful for what we have today no need to struggle because we already independent because our heroes in the past.

Hope you enjoy the webquest!

I would like to thank to the owners or copyright holders of the following websites from which the resources of this webquest are cited:

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